oops..we forgot to double-check that our seats were next to each other ::Hello Katie::
Try to find Doug.
We got to sit together!
Excited for the performance!
The first half was good, Mozarts last great Concerto No. 25. The pianist was really into the performance. He had a towel on the piano to wiped his forehead after the complicated bits. At the end of the performance, he flapped his coat and abruptly got up. It was like, "oh..wha..oh..its over?..ok well ok."
Fear not, the love-birds were not parted for long, at intermission they moved to the two free seats next to us...And quickly proceeded to play on their phones..kids these days.
Katie just had oral surgery, and felt a little self-conscious about her smile..so I leveled the playing field.
During the intermission...and occasionally during the performances, it was highly entertaining to people-watch. Note to self: if I force a kid to sit through an hour of classical music, do not sit him where the entire audience can watch him fidget. Highly distracting, yet highly entertaining.
Stravinsky has got some serious game. 'The Rite of Spring' was an extremely well written piece, and the Dallas Symphony did it justice. The bassonist was incredible, I never knew a bassonist could be incredible.This particular musician had been the lead bassonist for twenty years!
Although there is no photographic evidence, I will admit that we ended our evening with wings at Hooters. Eh, I prefer Buffalo Wild Wings.
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