Friday, October 12, 2012

Let's talk about...the debate, baby

Politics does not have to be glum and heavy. Seriousness is needed when dealing with serious issues, but politics is ridiculous and laughing at it will prevent the weight of the world's problems from crushing the bearer. We've seen it do just that. It's a common observation that President's look strikingly older after office. All of these were serious men and none of them took the job lightly, so maybe we could all lighten up a bit.

Last night was fun. If you couldn't find Biden's performance amusing then you just aren't having enough fun in politics.

The debate was politics, Biden was laughing at Ryan's interpretation of the issues, not the issues themselves. And you know what, it was the most fun I've had with a VP debate ever.

These guys spend their lives self-editing to prevent offense, it is rare to see them unfiltered and giving their unedited, non-focus group derived, honest opinion.

He was fun, he was himself, and I loved it. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok so as far as the VP debate goes, I completely agree with how much fun it was! I think it was especially ripe for that type of confrontation in light of the presidential debate and Obama's laid back attitude, so I don't think Biden's aggressiveness is going to ultimatel backfire for the Democrats. It seriously was so great though... and I even enjoyed the first debate because of all the policy discussed relative to the usual amount of vague bustering that occurs during these things. Can't wait to see what happens at the next one!
