Friday, October 26, 2012

And still people trust his judgement...

Romney said it isn't his job to care about 47% of the country...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney isn't distancing himself from Mourdock. He is still supporting the guy that thinks God intended rape...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney kept his son Tagg involved in his campaign after Tagg said he wanted "to take a swing" at the President, but didn't because there was secret service...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney used the London Olympics as a place and topic to insult our closest ally...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney held a fundraiser while visiting Israel...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney picked Paul Ryan, a guy who would make abortion illegal in cases of rape and incest..and eliminate in-vitro fertilization, as his vice presidential candidate...and still people trust his judgement.

Romney thinks that eliminating funding for Big Bird will pay for 2 trillion dollars of military spending that the military didn't ask for...he wants to give 2 trillion dollars to people who don't think they need it...and still people trust his judgement.

I no longer trust people's judgement.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Testing, testing, 1,2,3..

Quick update. I have two midterms tomorrow, one on Thursday and one on Friday. So! I can't expand on all the notes I took during the debate- and it is driving me crazy. Who can think of British Imperialism at a time like this!

I wanted to let y'all know that I am half way through an op-ed piece, and want to get a post up that dives into some of the claims fought over tonight. I know the news cycle will be playing similar things for a few days before I can, but hey I gotta make use of the grants and loans Obama fought for! 

If there are any particular claims or issues that you would like me to look into let me know, otherwise it'll be a grab bag that is conveniently focused on things that interest me. 

I hope everyone is having a great night! 

He. Shut. It. Down.


You did well tonight, sir. Very well.

PS if you find that you have luck wishes left to wish, wish me luck on these exams- four in a row really?! 

We are the Champions..well some of us..

Tonight we will see the second of three Presidential debates. For now though, let's take a look back at some of the Presidential Debates' greatest and most campaign defining moments.

Young man, Tired man.
1960: Richard Nixon v John F. Kennedy

Kennedy was rested, charismatic, young- he looked good. Nixon campaigned up to a few hours before, he looked tired, had a five o’clock shadow and refused makeup. On the radio he won, on the TV he lost, in the election he lost. Nixon may have lost this time, but don't worry Republicans he'll be back and he'll win..and then resign in disgrace...awkward

Foot meet mouth.
1976: President Gerald Ford v Jimmy Carter

Up to the debate: Ford, you're lookin' good. First debate: Ford, do you want to keep the desk or get a new one? Second debate: Aw man, do you think he'll make us eat peanut butter? I don't even like peanut butter. Maybe I can fake an allergy.**
Ford tested the brakes of his campaign during the second debate when he claimed, “there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under the Ford administration.”
Yeah, he lost.
 **This was a joke about Carter being a peanut farmer.

1980: President Jimmy Carter v Ronald Reagan

“There you go again,” became a key catchphrase after Reagan called out Carter for continuing to try policies that did not seem to work...and then proceeded to act with the same stubbornness and "give it time" attitude.
Carter won six states. Not by six states, he only won six states.

The Knock-Out Punch
1984: President Ronald Reagan v Former VP Walter Mondale
Backstory: Reagan’s age, 73, was a concern. He was already the oldest president, and people were worried that his age could hamper his performance as the leader of the free world.
But Then…
Reagan was asked about his age…at first it look like he was going to fumble, maybe he wasn’t able to continue, maybe we needed the 56 year old former vice president, and then came the greatest response in political history.
“I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
Moderator, competitor, and the nation laughed.
Issue dissolved. Reagan won…by a lot. 525 electoral votes to 13, ouch.

The King of All Debateland
You may disagree with his policies, his agenda, his views of the world, and everything he stands for; but there is no denying that the ole Gipper is the wittiest debater of them all.

Show 'em how it's done Mr President.
Take a drink, take a bow. We're done here.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Favorite Moments of the Week

It's that time again/for the first time, to take a look at my top three favorite moments of the week.

It may be third, but its still ya know on the list.

Alex's punny punny humor
My husband has an amazing punny sense of humor, maybe I'll put together my top ten favorite of his punny moments. For now, this gem...

Alex: If you had a small can of soda, would be called a mini-soda?
Me: nice
Alex: Did I state that right?
It's a joke that keeps on giving.

Next up, at number two.

VP Debate
Biden was laughing and I was laughing right along with him. Favorite moments:
"Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy?"
"I was there."
^as Ryan tried to tell him what Reagan's economic plan looked like

And without question, one of the greatest times of my life occurred yesterday. Last night I become a bit more complete as a person when I saw...

Eddie Izzard
He was hilarious. He was perfect. He actually said, "It's all true."
I have got to start taking a notebook with me, so that I can write down my favorite moments.  
At one point he threw himself off with "[his] own ad lib" when making up a name for a mammoth. He said the name, stopped, cocked his head, looked confused and giggled slightly. So Fun!!

What were y'all's favorite moments of the past week?
I hope y'all have an amazing week! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Let's talk about...the debate, baby

Politics does not have to be glum and heavy. Seriousness is needed when dealing with serious issues, but politics is ridiculous and laughing at it will prevent the weight of the world's problems from crushing the bearer. We've seen it do just that. It's a common observation that President's look strikingly older after office. All of these were serious men and none of them took the job lightly, so maybe we could all lighten up a bit.

Last night was fun. If you couldn't find Biden's performance amusing then you just aren't having enough fun in politics.

The debate was politics, Biden was laughing at Ryan's interpretation of the issues, not the issues themselves. And you know what, it was the most fun I've had with a VP debate ever.

These guys spend their lives self-editing to prevent offense, it is rare to see them unfiltered and giving their unedited, non-focus group derived, honest opinion.

He was fun, he was himself, and I loved it. 

This girl just wants to have fun...

Conversation I am fully expecting between Me and NBC News:

::As I go to replay the VP debate::
NBC News: Hey, you should probably stop watching this on a loop.
Me: But it's the most fun VP debate ever in the history of ever.
NBC News: yeah, but the dishes...
Me: Biden was on his game. It was like a real-time fact check. He was laughing and having fun. Ryan didn't lose it and stayed on message- he was perfect straight man. So fun.
NBC News: yeah, but...
Me: "Oh now you're Jack Kennedy?" hilarious.
NBC: dishes...
Me: If you didn't find last night entertaining then you just aren't having enough fun with national politics
NBC News: Isn't that from West Wing?
Me: good writers borrow from other writers, great writers steal from them outright
NBC News: Isn't that also...whatever. Tyler. Look at me, now look at your sink, now look back at me. Dishes.
Me: -_- Fine.
::I take the computer to the counter and watch the show while doing chores::

It's going to happen.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Top Tips for a Great Vacation with Friends

I have vacationed with friends, I have lived with friends. Sometimes it turns out great. Sometimes you never speak to each other again. We went to summer camp inseparable, we came back..well...separated. Here are somethings I have learned along the way.

Tip #1:
Leave Your House

My house in the snow.

Staying at home may save you money, especially if you live in a fun area. But! Being in your home makes it too tempting to deal with real life issues, like that HOA letter that demands you have a green lawn when the city has asked you to only water twice per week- what do you want me to do HOA, spray paint my lawn green?! No, no, best to leave it all behind and allow yourself to take a vacation from life. Don't worry the issues will be waiting for you when you get back.

Tip #2
Have Separate Rooms

Monte Vista hotel, loved this cozy room for a quiet get away.

Again, sharing a room may save you money, but unless you have vacationed or lived with them before you do not want to do this. You do not know your friend's habits or how they deal with stress, it is entirely possible and in fact likely that there will be times when you get on each others nerves or just need your own space. Staying in one small hotel room with the person who woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or got annoyed by something you did, or even annoyed with something that you didn't have anything to do with, will exacerbate the problem and make for a looooong "vacation."

Tip #3
Small Steps

Quiet possibly the best weekend vacation ever! 
We are roasting marshmallows and hot dogs at the lake house with Ashley and Andrew.

Before you go on a week long vacation with someone, try to go on a short weekender. The weekend doesn't have to be expensive or far away, just away from home and just with the group of people that will be together for seven days. Get to know how your friend like to spend their vacation. Being friends in real life is very different from being vacation buddies. Some people want to fill their vacation schedule with activities they would never get to do at home, others want to lounge around and relax, some just want to see what events come up and are super laid back..almost to the point of being asleep. 

Tip #4
Do It Anyway

Fitz wanted to play, Hugh had other appointments.

There will be times when you don't want to do what your friend wants to, do it anyway. If they are really excited about a tour or seeing a site, join them. There will inevitably be something that you want to do that they don't and they can return the favor. It's always more fun to do things together, so even if you hate beer and touring another brewery is last thing on earth you want to do, go anyway because its the time you spend with your friend that will make it fun. 

Tip #5
Just Have Fun

Okay, so this has little to do with this blog, 
but I love this picture from our engagement session. 

Try with all your might to not get overly upset with something that happens. It could be someone losing their temper or an airline losing your luggage that has the bridesmaid's dress in it. Try to remember that you all came together to have a good time, so no one is looking for a fight or came along to start disagreements. You came as friends, leave as friends.

I hope y'all have a great summer full of amazing memories and developing inside jokes with your awesome friends!

Friday, June 22, 2012

2012 Bucket List

Bucket List

Recently, Alex and I watched Easy A (for the 4th time..and counting). One of All of my favorite scenes include the parents played by Stanley Tucci (Dill) and Patricia Clarkson (Rosemary). They are dry, witty, and absolutely hilarious. ::watch out for a laugh out loud scene where they repeat "t" over and over again::

Rosemary: Any friend of Olive's is a friend of my daughter.

Dill: The family member of the week gets to pick the movie.
Olive: You get family member of the week every week.
Rosemary: And there's a reason for that.
Olive: Yeah, you pick family member of the week!

Rosemary: Are you accusing me of nepotism?!

Following this bit, Rosemary adorably chants "Bucket List, Bucket List!" Beyond being cute and now overly used by yours truly, it prompted Alex and I to start writing Bucket Lists. The first being things we can do this year and the second being long term/ one day some day. We have already crossed off a few of our short term items and are excited to keep the momentum going! I'll start with the ones we have already completed, because it's always nice to cross things off.

Road trip to a Concert

FUN. is amazing! I have seen many a live show in my day and this one tops the list in performance and sheer talent.
Wearing my new FUN. shirt while eating the most delicious crepe ever! It had Nutella, bananas, strawberries, whipped cream, walnuts, and chocolate sauce! Ah, Vacation Food.

Our hotel was in the Historic District, loved it!

Stay in a Haunted Hotel

Monte Vista was an incredibly charming hotel that names its suites after the celebrities that have stayed in them; such as, Michael J. Fox and Bing Crosby. 

See the Grand Canyon

Awe inspiring. Unbelievably Gorgeous.

Make a Quilt
First I'll need a sewing machine, and maybe learn how to sew a straight line, but after that I am rocking and rolling this gig.

Learn to Play 'Someone To Fall Back On' 
by Jason Robert Brown
First I'll need to learn to play the piano. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Note: Singing is optional.

Complete a Book Each Month
This doesn't seem too difficult, but it is so easy to get distracted by life and forget to do the things that make it enjoyable, like getting lost in the lives of a well-written story.

Go Horseback Riding 
in Rocky Mountain National Park
I rode once with Alex's family in Georgia, but going through my favorite Park would be very fun indeed.

For this nerd, this is my Olympics, my World Cup, my uber Super Bowl- this is for all the marbles! So excited!!

This is going to be a great year!